Brexit – The Ultimate Effect Of A Global Market In Orange County

Brexit – The Ultimate Effect Of A Global Market In Orange County

Brexit – The Ultimate Effect Of A Global Economy In Orange County – By Bret Johnson

We may ask ourselves, Why should we in Orange County worry about the Brexit, afterall its on the other side of the great pond right?

Well I ask you to think long and hard the next time you log on to your favorite Social Media site and view instant updates of your friends and families lives accross the world. Your reading of my article now is the perfect real time example. Information access in todays reality is the fastest its has ever been in history, and is continuing to grow and connect the world in ways we could have never imagined in our lifetime.

International business relationships rely on this same use of instant communication technology in order to thrive in a global economy. With the recent Brexit events in the UK taking place, the EU has suffered a tremendous shock to the system, underlying potential weekness of the European Union accross the world. This news has spread like wildfire accross the Major Networks and Social Media and has fear mongerers working overtime to spread word of our “Predestined Global Economic Apocolipse”.

From a historical viewpoint I wouldnt have had much concern in this temporary blip in world economy predictions, as international news in the past has rarely caught enough momentum with our country for any substantial immediate effects. That being said, in this golden age of technology, we can no longer use our previous history to make assumptions on how we in the United States will act, or react to any similar events as we have encountered in our past. The all powerful networks of Tradional Media are now second to Social Media, and our current population thrives in a instant reactive state to Negative Headlines, Eye Catching Photos & Conveniently Edited Videos online. Unfortunately, Traditional Media is still a major source of fuel for the Social Media world we live in.

A long time ago in a reality far far away, Online was a term used when we logged on to our work or home computer to obtain or share information and conduct business. This historical definition of being online now has an all new and ever evolving meaning. In todays world, Being online is the constant state of existance for the majority of the developed world, as we are all globally connected 24 Hours a day via cellular computers at our fingertips.

Why am I so concerened? The state of our U.S. economy and politics have always been based on the majority of the general populations opinions. In the past, these opinions were shared over controlled networks and delivered to society at a pace where we had time to read, understand and discuss with others around us before making somewhat educated decisions, depending on your opinion of our News Sources. The modern combination of the speed at which information travels, and the amount available at our fingertips is truly overwhleming. Suddenly, a teenager armed with an opionion, a cellphone, trending hashtags and a few “followers” has the potential to spread news to the entire world. Ultimately ending up in front of your eyes in the blink of an eye. We can no longer blindly trust our sources of information, as now (almost) every American and World Citizen possesses the power and freedom of the press at their fingertips.

The Brexit Epidemic is just one of thousands of international events unfolding on a daily basis. The combination of these events generates a false global state of opionion lingering overhead. This precieved general concensus is ultimately pressing the entire weight of the worlds issues on to every individuals sholders. This global opinion of the economy is now a tiny ship caught in a neverending storm riding the wave up one second, and crashing down the next. Ultimately this ship will sink as we cannot succeed economically on a global scale in a constant state of chaos.

On the optimistic side of things, this same global opinion can be swayed with the spread of positive information. Previously unheard options are available to the massis and present a new hope. The origin disputed quote of act locally and think globally truly has meaning and effect in todays world, and to be honest needs a change to Act Locally & Effect Globally. Capitalizing on opportunity has never been easier, as new ideas for economic industry present themselves every second of the day and night.

In relation to the Brexit, I believe we in the United States as a whole and locally in Orange County are presented with a temporary unique opportunity based on the current Global Economic view. The appearance of an unstable UK & EU econmony highlights the current precieved strength of the U.S. Dollar and the value of our land. This could lead to a very short term increase of high end international investment into Real Estate of both the commercial & residential sectors. Overseas business owners looking to escape from the uncertainty of stability in the European Economy are presented with the immediate opportunity to invest in strength of the United States, both on a personal and business investment level. I predict this opportunity will be very short lived through the few months of Summer 2016, as the ultimate result of the Brexit could negitively effect international trading, supply and demand throughout the remainder of negotiations over the next several years with the EU. With the fearful dwindling profit margian forecasts and company values at stake, the salaries and liquid capital available to International Buyers and investors in the past could soon be the topic of discussion at your local bar of the good ol glory days of Real Estate past.

I would advise everyone interested and capable of selling a property to do so NOW, as this artificial inflation of our Real Estate values cannot continue to grow in our current state of false inflation. With decreasing international demand ahead, in combination with us finally surpassing the 2007 peak values in Orange County just recently. We are now facing a Real Estate value plateau, or dare I even whisper the word, crash. Im sure everyone who missed the opportunity to sell before the last bubble of opportunity popped was kicking theselves for years, especially those who ended up loosing their home as result. I would hate to see history repeat itself for those who have the opportunity to capitalize this time around.

I will advise all reading this to prepare themselves for longer days on market, decreasing values and a rocky economic road ahead for the time being. Ultimately, we will figure out a way to succeed and build up our Local and National Economy as our way of conducting business evolves through the next election and technology progresses. But in my opionion, we simply do not have the time, power or general public opinion to correct our current state as a whole given the current World Politics.

Its important to constantly remind yourself that anything is possible, as we are in control of our personal mindset and how we shape the world around us. Its up to us as individuals to ACT and CAPITALIZE on the opportunities this modern world presents to us at every second. Change is inevidible, but success can be acheived in the peaks, valleys and everywhere in between.

Which decision today will you make to advance your future? Im confident if I was in your shoes debating whether or not to sell, which way I would choose.





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